# Callback Service

TripLink supports callback to customer interfaces in multiple business scenarios. Customers can implement their own business logic in the callback interface.

The callback is based on the HTTP/HTTPS protocol with the POST method, and all request bodies are in JSON format with all characters encoded in UTF-8.

The callback process is considered Failed if any of the following situations occur: request failure, request timeout, or response status code other than 2XX.

The callback is divided into Synchronous and Asynchronous types. Synchronous requests must respond in a timely manner and have no retry mechanism, while asynchronous requests do not need to respond in a timely manner and have a retry mechanism.

# Callback List

Name Type Response Time Retry Count Retry Interval
Authorization Decision Callback Synchronous 3s N/A N/A
Authorization Result Notification Asynchronous 9s 20 N × 2min

# Authorization Decision Callback

Before approving an authorization request, TripLink will call back to this customer interface, allowing the customer to implement their own risk control and authorization decisions.

If the callback fails, TripLink will degrade to using default decision results for the customer, as outlined in the Callback Parameters.

If the callback fails continuously for 10 times, the system will no longer request the customer interface and will directly degrade, requiring the customer to manually re-enable it.

# Request Body

Name Type Description Note
bizContent String Actual message. Needs to be deserialized through JSON.
See AuthorizationDecision for details.
sign String Signature of the original bizContent. Verify the signature with the RSA public key of the API.
See Preparation for details.


Name Type Description Note
authId String ID Unique globally.
transactionId String Transaction ID The transactionId of the reversal transaction is same as the corresponding authorized transaction.
cardLogId String Card ID TripLink-specific card identifier.
localDate String Transaction Local date In local time zone, formatted as yyyyMMdd.
localTime Sreing Transaction Local time In local time zone, formatted as HHmmss.
occurTime String Transaction Occurrence time In card time zone, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
messageType String Transaction type Enum value, 4 digits, see **authorization type ** dropdown list for details.
messageTypeDesc String Transaction type description See **authorization type ** dropdown list for details.
transCurrency String Transaction currency ISO 4217 currency code, consisting of 3 digits.
transCurrencyAmt String Transaction amount Decimal number, corresponding to the transaction currency.
localCurrency String Card currency ISO 4217 currency code, consisting of 3 digits.
localCurrencyAmt String Card transaction amount Decimal number, corresponding to the card currency.
For refund transactions, the card transaction amount is 0.
cardAvailableBalance String Card available balance Decimal number, corresponding to the card currency.
merchantId String Merchant ID
merchantName String Merchant name
merchantCategoryCode String Merchant MCC ISO 18245 merchant category code, a 4-digit number.
merchantCountry String Merchant country (unstandardized)
isoMerchantCountryCode String Merchant country ISO 3166 country code, 3 letters.
(maybe empty)
merchantCity String Merchant city
acquirerId String Acquirer ID
useRef1Txt String User-defined field 1
useRef2Txt String User-defined field 2
useRef3Txt String User-defined field 3
useRef4Txt String User-defined field 4
useRef5Txt String User-defined field 5
authorization type
messageType messageTypeDesc
6810 Authorization Approval
6510 Auth Refund Approval
6820 Authorization Query
request body sample
  "bizContent": "{\"authId\":\"311503c7-0466-4d01-a500-551c40b91cf6\",\"cardLogId\":\"51a50ffbbd0437ff10fffb93d1620e213441a30a3fa16164d57d98cade066ba0\",\"localTime\":\"025900\",\"localDate\":\"20220623\",\"occurTime\":\"2022-06-23 10:59:00\",\"merchantCategoryCode\":\"0011\",\"merchantName\":\"\",\"merchantCountry\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"merchantCity\":\"\",\"messageType\":\"6810\",\"messageTypeDesc\":\"Authorization Approval\",\"acquirerId\":\"213457\",\"merchantId\":\"080000100003\",\"transCurrency\":\"840\",\"transCurrencyAmt\":\"55.66\",\"localCurrency\":\"840\",\"localCurrencyAmt\":\"55.66\",\"useRef1Txt\":\"anything\",\"useRef2Txt\":\"\",\"useRef3Txt\":\"\",\"useRef4Txt\":\"\",\"useRef5Txt\":\"\",\"cardAvailableBalance\":\"955.57\"}",
  "sign": "k2/HGZOYIFnYI+WZwW1R1YYryOmYd6ds5rAoioKstfslmeBJvVo1KkPOr5zMt86uZ9XFqJV1vDvavreClLnTBbALvtuF44JLZQsGngMe4MvKcWM2oJX4cCcqptqXkz7XpgCuSST0HeTJ8EHuAIQuF+W87/u86pcUMCBjDus1NuNf5MbS/y/eMW3qCwA5s6q1sp7AR2zmXna+eI+n+JEc9tylxo14Kr17pLGX0NRx+iwuw4H/tnazGDN49vW3kbFzRhj/jxN4vB2rvWIdrL1/pdhI2wFRt5b8AfIwhv5ae0GxP3AuaRCNU3LL+YvkvdIA2o+7RctkGhlbe4upzYARog=="

# Response Body

Clients must identify the authorization decision result through the code field in the response body.

If the value of the code field is 0, it means authorization is granted. If the value is not 0, it means authorization is denied.

Name Type Required Description Note
code String Y Result code 0: Authorization granted; non-0: Authorization denied.
msg String N Result code description
response body sample
  "code": "0",
  "msg": "success"

# Authorization Result Notification

TripLink will send the authorization results to this customer interface asynchronously after the authorization is completed.

If the notification fails, it will be Retried. After the maximum number of retries is reached, this notification will no longer be sent, but other notifications will not be affected.

# Request Body

Name Type Description Note
noticeType String Notification type auth.
bizContent String Actual message It needs to be deserialized through JSON.
See AuthorizationNotification for details.
sign String Signature Verify the signature with the RSA public key of the API.
See Preparation for details.


Name Type Description Note
authId String ID Unique globally.
transactionId String Transaction ID The transactionId of the reversal transaction is same as the corresponding authorized transaction.
cardLogId String Card ID TripLink-specific card identifier.
occurTime String Transaction Occurrence time In card time zone, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
messageType String Transaction type Enum value, 4 digits, see authorization type dropdown list for details.
messageTypeDesc String Transaction type description See authorization type dropdown list for details.
reversalType String Reversal Type Only valid when the authorization type is 6930 or 6940.
0: System reversal; 1: Non-system reversal.
respCode String Transaction Response Code Enumerated value, 4 digits.
See response code dropdown for details.
respCodeDesc String Transaction Response Code Description See response code dropdown for details.
approveCode String Authorization Code Random 6 digits.
transCurrency String Transaction currency ISO 4217 currency code, consisting of 3 digits.
transCurrencyAmt String Transaction amount Decimal number, corresponding to the transaction currency.
localCurrency String Card currency ISO 4217 currency code, consisting of 3 digits.
localCurrencyAmt String Card transaction amount Decimal number, corresponding to the card currency.
For refund transactions, the card transaction amount is 0.
cardAvailableBalance String Card available balance Decimal number, corresponding to the card currency.
merchantId String Merchant ID
merchantName String Merchant name
merchantCategoryCode String Merchant MCC ISO 18245 merchant category code, a 4-digit number.
merchantCountry String Merchant country (unstandardized)
isoMerchantCountryCode String Merchant country ISO 3166 country code, 3 letters.
(maybe empty)
merchantCity String Merchant city
acquirerId String Acquirer ID
crossBorderType String Cross-border type 0: Domestic; 1: Overseas.
useRef1Txt String User-defined field 1
useRef2Txt String User-defined field 2
useRef3Txt String User-defined field 3
useRef4Txt String User-defined field 4
useRef5Txt String User-defined field 5
authorization type
messageType messageTypeDesc
6810 Authorization Approval
6890 Authorization Decline
6510 Auth Refund Approval
6590 Auth Refund Decline
6930 Authorization Reversal Approval
6940 Auth Refund Reversal Approval
6820 Authorization Query
response code(6810 Authorization Approval)
respCode respCodeDesc
0000 Authorization Approval
response code(6890 Authorization Decline)
respCode respCodeDesc
1002 High Risk Transaction
1003 Invalid Account
1101 Abnormal Customer Status
1102 Card canceled
1103 Authorization Amount Error
1104 VAN Amount Limit Error
1105 Invalid Expiry Date
1106 Transaction Count Over Limit
1107 Invalid CVV2
1108 VAN Amount Limit Error
1110 Trans Currency Not Allowed
1111 MCC Error
1112 VAN credit limit greater than max Limit
1113 VAN credit limit less than min Limit
1114 Transaction Date before card activeDate
1115 Transaction Date after card inactiveDate
1116 Auth Amount greater than available VAN credit limit
1117 Auth Amount greater than available account credit limit
1118 Limited usage with abnormal card status
1201 Authorization already in process, please wait until the last authorization completed
1203 Not support 3ds
2012 Cardholder cancels identity verification
2014 Cardholder fails to complete identity verification within the specified time
2019 Cardholder fails to complete identity verification within the specified number of attempts
2022 Merchant requests invalid information
2222 Authorization decision reject
2299 Authorization decision downgrade reject
3004 Abnormal Card Scheme Network
9000 Unknow Error
response code(6510 Auth Refund Approval)
respCode respCodeDesc
0000 Authorization Approval
response code(6590 Auth Refund Decline)
respCode respCodeDesc
1002 High Risk Transaction
1003 Invalid Account
1101 Abnormal Customer Status
1107 Invalid CVV2
1110 Trans Currency Not Allowed
1111 MCC Error
response code(6930 Authorization Reversal Approval)
respCode respCodeDesc
0000 Authorization Approval
1002 High Risk Transaction
1003 Invalid Account
1101 Abnormal Customer Status
1105 Invalid Expiry Date
2001 Original Transaction Unmatch
2002 Original Transaction Unmatch
response code(6940 Auth Refund Reversal Approval)
respCode respCodeDesc
0000 Authorization Approval
1002 High Risk Transaction
1003 Invalid Account
2001 Original Transaction Unmatch
2002 Original Transaction Unmatch
response code(6820 Authorization Query)
respCode respCodeDesc
0000 Authorization Approval
1002 High Risk Transaction
1003 Invalid Account
1102 Card canceled
1118 Limited usage with abnormal card status
request body sample
  "noticeType": "auth",
  "bizContent": "{\"customerId\":\"CSR47184A93E35E4\",\"authId\":\"7f1e58b6-e1da-4647-9054-0c1e5b85df4a\",\"cardLogId\":\"51a50ffbbd0437ff10fffb93d1620e213441a30a3fa16164d57d98cade066ba0\",\"cardAvailableBalance\":\"955.57\",\"occurTime\":\"2022-06-23 14:52:35\",\"transCurrency\":\"840\",\"transCurrencyAmt\":\"44.55\",\"localCurrency\":\"840\",\"localCurrencyAmt\":\"44.55\",\"respCode\":\"0000\",\"respCodeDesc\":\"Authorization Approval\",\"approveCode\":\"164913\",\"messageType\":\"6810\",\"messageTypeDesc\":\"Authorization Approval\",\"useRef1Txt\":\"anything\",\"merchantName\":\"\",\"merchantCategoryCode\":\"0011\",\"merchantId\":\"080000100003\",\"merchantCountry\":\"\",\"merchantCity\":\"\",\"merchantPostcode\":\"\",\"acquirerId\":\"213457\",\"state\":\"\"}",
  "sign": "raqtzxjjWGyjrPDkn3aR+N+ZU6kpyiLeJNeFzQXmfoqsomkxsccg783FraLPWBrPgn0nhjtuVQLIWMply1chS7g1jgdGaFiGSXCwgL+XIVX0n2J1Z8YtDBEqeJLbRcmWiGAavQk8JSjBtDigJIopjL5mAT9+X5vrf4a6YxpAoky7DemuClKNb50OuH15ADICWednwQZsI0wJ8WTpZNb4f9jrMGdlztXvj/Nf7Gk2Uwx1v/morWEDe1BFD8FWFUsmKwdBxYS8iMT3f5YiAWzYt7VItOl6ymlNSdZmGazXYQ2MPScunPQXdSf2fQ6NM8NVlz7or5w5cj7aiZAgzpHUrQ=="

# Response Body

The customer must identify the notification receiving result through the code field in the response body

If the value of the code field is 0, it means receiving success. If the value is not 0, it means receiving failure.

Name Type Required Description Note
code String Y Result code 0: receiving success; non-0: receiving failure.
msg String N Result code description
response body sample
  "code": "0",
  "msg": "success"

# Notification Query and Resend

Customers can query all result notifications in the merchant system (Transaction Management - Notification Query) and support resend (single/batch).

Config Submit

# Signature Verification SDK example

Java SDK
public void rsaVerify() {
    String bizContent = "{\"customerId\":\"CSR47184A93E35E4\",\"authId\":\"07c93b59-23b2-4aa0-8cff-55a026b02329\",\"cardLogId\":\"42f4d634e184351e6b035eb58ea4892620ce2eaa5347fcd206646fe24ffae905\",\"cardAvailableBalance\":\"966.68\",\"occurTime\":\"2022-06-23 14:06:36\",\"transCurrency\":\"840\",\"transCurrencyAmt\":\"33.44\",\"localCurrency\":\"840\",\"localCurrencyAmt\":\"33.44\",\"respCode\":\"0000\",\"respCodeDesc\":\"Authorization Approval\",\"approveCode\":\"057685\",\"messageType\":\"6810\",\"messageTypeDesc\":\"Authorization Approval\",\"useRef1Txt\":\"anything\",\"merchantName\":\"\",\"merchantCategoryCode\":\"0011\",\"merchantId\":\"080000100003\",\"merchantCountry\":\"\",\"merchantCity\":\"\",\"merchantPostcode\":\"\",\"acquirerId\":\"213457\",\"state\":\"\"}";
    String sign = "tNNvnZBcvb7IR4qkPM9j+5/Hun1qj7MlnmcqeLKAO0Q8R4EB2OYLPTf/q50Rlq/gJf5x93OWSbSg9QqhktgZM0abZIKoAnidzNdGoLdINPSfdhkB/bkrpC8LctqEsLXwU2Kn3LHK3qAgDDJAf5AGmZmzn9SXnO2tvdVMvLbSj8vACpMm12g/zQyUPJ5NlCI7Hf5DXQeQy/Hd0hSyAFuhHO/V++a4TdEDZ3wqh9a1JVs0cy7t63vI0IT6r6l6hjiInoahW7H/zVZ1jcdhxNc1hGJRaM6GvlwsSFH9+gqIYv/DIPxIqTP2Bk6IDc0JaPBx/ClH7mefkunRerzCXFKC+g==";

    boolean verified = CipherUtils.rsaVerify(TRIPLINK_PUBLIC_KEY, bizContent, sign);

public function testRsaVerify(): void {
    $bizContent = '{"customerId":"CSR47184A93E35E4","authId":"07c93b59-23b2-4aa0-8cff-55a026b02329","cardLogId":"42f4d634e184351e6b035eb58ea4892620ce2eaa5347fcd206646fe24ffae905","cardAvailableBalance":"966.68","occurTime":"2022-06-23 14:06:36","transCurrency":"840","transCurrencyAmt":"33.44","localCurrency":"840","localCurrencyAmt":"33.44","respCode":"0000","respCodeDesc":"Authorization Approval","approveCode":"057685","messageType":"6810","messageTypeDesc":"Authorization Approval","useRef1Txt":"anything","merchantName":"","merchantCategoryCode":"0011","merchantId":"080000100003","merchantCountry":"","merchantCity":"","merchantPostcode":"","acquirerId":"213457","state":""}';
    $sign = 'tNNvnZBcvb7IR4qkPM9j+5/Hun1qj7MlnmcqeLKAO0Q8R4EB2OYLPTf/q50Rlq/gJf5x93OWSbSg9QqhktgZM0abZIKoAnidzNdGoLdINPSfdhkB/bkrpC8LctqEsLXwU2Kn3LHK3qAgDDJAf5AGmZmzn9SXnO2tvdVMvLbSj8vACpMm12g/zQyUPJ5NlCI7Hf5DXQeQy/Hd0hSyAFuhHO/V++a4TdEDZ3wqh9a1JVs0cy7t63vI0IT6r6l6hjiInoahW7H/zVZ1jcdhxNc1hGJRaM6GvlwsSFH9+gqIYv/DIPxIqTP2Bk6IDc0JaPBx/ClH7mefkunRerzCXFKC+g==';

    $verified = CipherUtils::rsaVerify(TRIPLINK_PUBLIC_KEY, $bizContent, $sign);


TRIPLINK_PUBLIC_KEY:TripLink RSA public key.